Script: Get-AZCopyGUI.ps1 - AZCopy GUI for PST Import

Microsoft recently announced the new Office 365 Import Service which is currently in preview. The new service allows organizations to import legacy PST data using one of two methods:

  • Drive shipping – you send Microsoft a hard drive with your data.
  • Network Upload – you make use of Azure storage to upload your data to Office 365.

The network upload option makes use of the Microsoft Azure AZCopy tool which uploads your data to an Azure storage blob. Brian Reid has a great post on his blog about using the service.

Get-AZCopyGUI.ps1 is a GUI wrapper for the Microsoft Azure AZCopy tool (AZCopy.exe) to simplify the process of importing .PSTs into Exchange Online. To use the script, you need to locate your storage account key and upload URL. You can do this by accessing the “Import” menu item in the Office 365 Admin Center. To access this option, you need to be assigned the Mailbox Import Export role in Exchange Online.


For more information on the Office 365 Import Service, see the following TechNet documentation.


  • The script will work natively in PowerShell 2.0+
  • The script requires the Microsoft Azure AZCopy Tool with default installation path - get it here

There are no parameters or switches, simply execute the script:


When using the Verbose option, a log file is named AzCopyVerbose.log will be created in %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Azure\AzCopy if no "Log Location" is specified.

Execution Policy:
The script has been digitally signed and will run just fine under a "RemoteSigned" execution policy.



I have published it to the TechNet Gallery, it can be downloaded by clicking here...